Sunday, July 1, 2012


What's the plan for tomorrow?  SALSA!
I need a couple more onions and I have a couple more bell peppers I need to go pick to add to this loot, but other than seasonings, that's about it for my salsa recipe.  I have several cloves of garlic and some of the tomatoes from my parent's garden.  I have this amazing orange tomato plant in my garden - some sort of sweet, low acid variety, but they taste amazing!  I can't wait to get going.  I also have learned that a lot of my tomatoes are splitting at the top due to inconsistent moisture.  They really do better with a soaker hose at their roots. 
I have about 10 big ol' eggplants!  I'm gonna try my luck at some eggplant recipes this week.  I am wondering how the kids will like it.  I am hoping for a low-key work around the house, get some stuff done & not go much of anywhere kind of a week.

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