I get all kinds of books for review, but I have not had a book affect me quite as much as this one in a long time. This book is the best I've read in years, and I've been reading some really great books lately. I have a stack of reviews piled on my desk to write this month and I just got this book in the mail a few days ago. I felt guilty reading it with so much else to do, I got some rude looks when I couldn't put it down during my daughter's softball game, but it was so totally worth it -and I know that this is one that I will read again just to savor it. And I rarely read a book twice.
The City of Tranquil Light is based on the true story of the author, Bo Caldwell's grandparents, who were missionaries to China during the early 20's. It is such a powerful story! It made me cry and it made me think. I don't want to tell you too much about it because you have to read it for yourself. This book is an amazing testimony of God's grace and a testimony of a couple who where so strong and faithful, but yet struggled, worried and questioned Him. The characters are so real and their faith is so well captured. This was an amazingly beautiful book!
At the end of the book they leave China and the people they love and the heartache and the pain is so real. It was so like what we experienced when God called us away from the places we served. It is so unbelievably hard and yet in the pain there is peace -you know God is leading, but you question why. Bo Caldwell captured that experience in such a real way.
This is the kind of Christian novel I love. The faith is shown, not told, or preached, or forced, just a life observed. It makes you think deeply of your faith, remeasure your scale of success, and feel a real peace that our God is in control of all things. Awesomeness! Just trust me and read it.
You can purchase The City of Tranquil Light HERE for $25.00 hardback. The e-book is only $11.99. If you click on that link there are lots of neat extras on the site: an audio clip of Bo Caldwell explaining how her faith in God was affected by writing this novel, some family photos of her Grandparents who inspired the novel, and an interview with the author.
The City of Tranquil Light was provided by B & B Media Group for the purposes of review only.
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