Monday: Meatloaf and lots of vegetables. I make terrible meatloaf, but Byron wants to avoid any kind of pasta, so I am trying. I am browning up about 3 lbs of grounded beef today just to have it ready for some quick meals next week.
Tuesday: Lifegroup -I'll contribute baked potatoes-others will supply the fixings and everything else
Wednesday: Leftovers- gotta make room for those Thanksgiving leftovers. I'm going to make up a batch of pumpkin chocolate chip muffins for the freezer and a couple loaves of bread. I'm going to try to make a gluten free recipe. I've decided Thursday will be my regular baking day and I will try for 2 baked items. Just a small way to keep more made from scratch food convenient all week.
Thursday: Gracie and Byron will be cooking a traditional Thanksgiving meal. They both threw a fit when we suggested eating with Texas family. They really enjoyed cooking the turkey and dressing for us every year in NC and don't want to give up that tradition. I'm going to make a butterscotch pecan sandie pie, and I'll assist them some, but I don't do much. They do pretty well with the cleaning up and everything, too.
Friday: Grandparent's house - we are going to help Max and Nana with some chores and see if we can't pick some pecans. They have had a very small crop this year.
Saturday: Thanksgiving Leftovers -
Sometime this week we hope to be eating hiking trail food -if the weather holds (it's been pretty wet around here) we will go on a hike in a nearby State Park. We may decide to just do a day hike. When we are on the trail the emphasis is on light weight food. We usually cook easy mac with tuna, and we eat a lot of trail mix for snacks, and oatmeal for breakfast. We always pack some major incentive for the kids -"one more mile and we will have some Skittles" or something like that to keep them motivated on the trail.
This post is linked to the I'm an Organization Junkie site. Some of the www.orgjunkie.com meal planning posts are very elaborate this week, complete with Thanksgiving recipes and ideas. To see much more interesting meal plans- visit that site.
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