My creative-ness has just been flowing around here. I am decorating my Spanish I classroom. That's a post for another day. Yep. I'm returning to public school teaching. With a lot of prayer. I offered to teach art and go all day and left it to God, but the school just need me 1/2 day for Spanish. God knows best, and I am thinking a 1/2 day transition is going to be wonderful for our family. I'll still be able to do all that I do to keep this family rolling - and to keep my husband sane too. So project #2, after the classroom was this Pinterest inspired skirt. LOVE me some Pinterest. It was really easy and fun to make, I am already planning to make another one.
I got these great, and extremely comfortable cowboy boots, and I am thinking I need some shorter skirts to show them off. Side note - my first mirror selfie! Am I hip or what?
The countdown begins. Just 4 months till Ally turns 16. Daddy has been fixing up his old jeep, which will become her vehicle. It's a standard, so she still has to master that skill, but she's getting there. Ally made the varsity volleyball team, and she is loving it. She may not admit it, but she will enjoy having me at the school with her - although she's kinda bummed she can't wear my clothes as much. "Hey, Ally, didn't your mom wear that a few days ago?" Not cool.

I'm not sure what Gracie will do without her daily 4-5 hour horseback rides. I suppose she'll be rushing home to ride right after school. Daniel and Daddy have started pee-wee football and they are both really excited about that season of the year. It's such a crazy season - so much going on. One of those seasons we have to check the calendar to plan a family meal where we all sit down together.
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