I thought you might enjoy Byron's latest newsletter article for the church newsletter:
Livestock can add a
certain serenity to the landscape. Our
sweet, old horse, Saxie looks so peaceful grazing in the yard. We drink our coffee on the front porch, look
out at her, and it’s a calming sight, she’s a beautiful animal. Other
members of the animal kingdom kind of stick out there with awkward
goofiness. Take for example the llama my
youngest daughter has temporarily adopted.
Let me stress the word temporary. Nothing
about this animal is beautiful, graceful, or frankly, pleasant. To look at it is just flat …uncomfortable. Personally, I’m pretty freaked out by it. It’s a creepy, alien looking thing; almost
made me drop my coffee this morning on the way to the truck.

No one wants to
stick out, feel awkward, or be uncomfortable.
For teenagers, especially, this is their biggest fear. But sometimes God asks us to be just
that. God wants us to move out of what
is comfortable and convenient and stand out against this evil world we live
in. It’s a struggle, even for an old guy
like me. We’d rather duck our heads into
our Iphones than to engage a stranger into a spiritual conversation. We’d rather sleep late after a hard work week
than to get up and go to church.
We are working hard in our student ministry to
train up some leaders who won’t be afraid to be awkward, who won’t back down
when things get hard, who will say things that need to be said and will do
Christ’s will even when it isn’t comfortable.
They are taking a strong leadership role in our Wednesday night services
and they need your prayer. They also
need your encouragement. Take time this
week to love on some students. Tell them
you are proud of them, encourage them to read the Word, show interest in their
lives, and let them know that you are praying for them, and really do it.
“Dear friends, I urge you, as
aliens and strangers in the world, to abstain from sinful desires, which war
against your soul. Live such good lives
among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your
good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.” 1 Peter 2:11-12.
Maybe I can stomach the llama who
is visiting my house by allowing God to use it as a reminder to me of how I
need to be awkward, how I too need to be an alien in this world. We all could use a little more llama, a
little less drama. You think? Or maybe I can just stay inside until the
State Fair is over.
In Christ,
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