No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth! And I'm not lost - although I'd kind of like to be lost somewhere! I'm just a little overwhelmed! So much Student Ministry going on right now! Our Fall retreat is this weekend and we are in full swing non-stop craziness! Please be in prayer that it will be a powerful experience for our students!

So much to DO! In addition to the usual frenzy of preparation - we are doing some super creative prayer stations on Sunday morning - kinda like THESE - not nearly as fancy or elaborate as those - but interactive and out of the box! I'll share pictures & details next week.
Other than that my life has been pretty well consumed! Volleyball, Softball, Football, horseback riding -the kids are keepin' me goin' too. I'll post some pictures soon! AND I am going to tell you about an amazing book I am reading on Thursday.

In the meantime, we watched a cool movie on Netflix this week that I would highly recommend! We are enjoying not having a TV much more than I expected! I thought Byron would have caved to the desire for Cowboys football by now. He loves the no-TV and likes to listen to football on the radio or watch sometimes on the computer. Just having Netflix (we watch on the computer) has allowed us to choose our viewing more and it has really given us the opportunity to watch some quality Christian movies. The kids watched this one with us - and aside from one brief verbal description of a girl's abuse (not really graphic) it was a great movie for them to see! It made a strong impression on them & they have mentioned it several times since.
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