3. I can not stay mad at him. ever. not for even like two minutes. and believe me - I have tried. Anytime he wants to he can make me smile.
4. He loves God. And he is passionate about his faith. That's a pretty big one - and the reason for all the other reasons he's so great. Probably shoulda put that as reason #1.
5. He has this crazy, random sense of humor. He loves dumb commercials.
6. No one knows me better. As he reminds me often - I have been married to him OVER half my life. It's hard to believe was only 14 when I fell in love with him - and he's been my best friend ever since. It's neat to be in all each other's yearbook pictures, prom pictures.
8. He works hard! He's not at all lazy. As a matter of fact sitting around is REALLY hard for him.
9. He can do anything. He's borderline genius. Seriously, I think he can fix or build anything.
10. He completes me. That was corny, I know, but his strengths are truly my weaknesses in so many ways.
11. He is always concerned with my safety.
12. He always handles the puking children. He has great sympathy for physical injuries. He rises to emergency assistance when our children are hurt - even though the sight of his own blood makes him kind of woozy. I kind of tend to be less sympathetic. He really jumps into action in those really overwhelming messes and I just tend to stand there, kind of overwhelmed about what to do first.
12. He always handles the puking children. He has great sympathy for physical injuries. He rises to emergency assistance when our children are hurt - even though the sight of his own blood makes him kind of woozy. I kind of tend to be less sympathetic. He really jumps into action in those really overwhelming messes and I just tend to stand there, kind of overwhelmed about what to do first.
13. He has this solid understanding of things that my creative brain can't quite get around. Things mechanical, financial, mathematical... those ..."-cial" kinda complicated things.
15. He is sensitive to the needs of others (he gets that from his mama). He always understands what one child is needing, makes an effort to relate to the love language of another one, he does things out of his comfort zone to meet the needs of his family.
17. He comes from a great family - and my family loves him maybe even more than me. There's no emotional baggage from a yucky past. And other than his family -I'm pretty much his past.
18. We agree on most major issues, we have similar standards in most areas. Granted I don't care near as much as he does how the toilet paper comes off the roll or how the towels are folded, but we agree on most things. We don't like cats. We love to hike. We have very similar styles and tastes. I understand his strange sense of humor, well most of the time.
19. He honors me - and makes sure the kids do to. He praises me in front of the children; even when it is about my cooking and probably not true. On the 31st of any month he calls me blessed.
20. He's almost 40 and he is still totally gorgeous. He has these dreamy dark brown eyes and when I look into them I just go weak in the knees just like I did when he was 16. He had more hair then, but then again I had BIG hair enough for the both of us then.
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