Ally decided to make some twisted bandana necklaces! First she cut some material into 2 inch strips (12 inches or so long). She experimented with different widths to make some fatter and skinnier.She mixed up a bowl of cornstarch and water. 1/2 cup cornstarch into 1 cup cold water, then she mixed in 2 qt. boiling water over it all. She whisked it alot to get all the lumps out.
She put the fabric in to saturate it completely.
She took each piece out and twisted it together and laid them out on the driveway with clothespins holding them twisted.
These are really pretty. Let me share this great online jewelry shop where I usually buy my necklaces.
Great tutorial and very cute necklaces. What exactly does the soaking for? Does it make them stiff or just makes them stay together?
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