When things get really bad I just want to curl up in my bed behind a locked door -overwhelmed and worn out. So after mobilizing the kids to help me out and a quick prayer for strength-here's my attempted cure to get myself going:
1. Tennis shoes (preferably with some nice, new athletic socks, I don't know why). Just makes me feel athletic, puts a bounce in my step, and gets me going. I'm more likely to run and play with the kids and less likely to sit with my feet curled up under me.
2. I lite candles in the house. Usually it is the messy house that has gotten me to this point, and it just makes me feel like AT LEAST the air is clean. Plus - it's just hard to feel bad when you've got some Yankee Candle cinnamony sweetness floating around you.
3. Some praise music. Maybe KLOVE blaring from my computer, or if things are really desperate I'll put on some Toby Mac or Super Chic. If you can manage it -loud singing helps, too.
4. Tea. Sweet. and lots of it. Actually, I think a lot of time when I lack energy a root cause of it is actually because I am dehydrated. I just don't make enough time in the morning to drink enough water.
Does it always work for me? Most of the time. It gets me moving, and after all some progress is still progress. It is better than Laundry Mountain Denial.
Wow, I like your ideas! (Much cheaper and better than coffee, cola or energy drinks.) I especially like the candles one--having a pleasant scent in the air is sure to pick up anyone's spirits!
What a good checklist. I'm going to have to remember the candles and the socks (not just ANY socks!) to help me get the lead out some afternoon!
Sweet tea would so hit the spot for me as well. See you soon for Friday Follow (with $100 cash giveaway this week!).
I am following you from Friday Follow (I'm not late...just early for next week) : ) Please visit me when you get a chance and follow back http://www.thriftyandfrugalliving.com
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