- Growing up, my parents would find such neat stuff for our stockings. They always put strange fruits and nuts in our stockings; coconut, pineapples (not in it, beside it generally). I always got a pomegranate. It was such a neat tradition to try those strange fruits! I remember eating chunks of coconut every year, never liked it, but always tried it.
- I help out our budget by picking up a small item for each kid when I am making the regular grocery trip starting around August or September. I keep an eye out for little freebies and deals from August on and when December comes along I have a box in the top of my closet full of some pretty good stuff. (And my husband has no idea I have spent so much because I have spread it out so well.)
- Another great idea is to create some kind of kit. My kids love little kits, especially when they come in some kind of tiny container. A tiny scrapbook kit, a small sewing kit, a travel kit, a craft kit, all the beads and string for a necklace in a baggie, one year I printed instructions for making a simple popsicle stick box and wrapped it around popsicle sticks -something like this link: http://familycrafts.about.com/od/craftsticks/a/CraftStickVase.htm , make your own origami kit by printing simple instructions and including some small pieces of scrapbooking paper here's a link for some simple ones: http://web-jpn.org/kidsweb/virtual/origami2/exploring01_01.html
- www.OrganizedChristmas.com -one of my favorite sites has a few little printable gifts - snowman poop and that kind of thing.
Click over to www.lifeasmom.com and see all the ideas!
My kids have been asking for pomegranate. What a perfect idea for their stocking since I can't usually fit them into our grocery budget!
What great ideas for the stockings! :D Definitely willbe back. :D
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