The weather in my neck of the woods:
Rainy and Muddy!
One of my simple pleasures:
Surprisingly enough - lately it's been cooking! Can you believe that? Somebody get my mom up off the floor.
On my bedside table:
1. The Curse of the Spiderking by Wayne Thomas Batson - I am reading it for an upcoming review. It's a kids book -I love kid's books - loving this one so far.
2. Byron's Hank the Cowdog books he is reading to the kids with excellent voices.
On my TV:
Hopefully nothing, I waste too much time that way. But, Byron will be flipping between Fox News and Football.
On the menu for tonight:
A really great Mac and Cheese Soup - it was SO good and the kids loved it.
On my To Do List: Bathrooms - Tuesday's tubs and toilets day!
New Recipe I tried last week:
I made bread without the breadmaker -used my kitchenaid mixer to knead it - the recipe was just a plain one from the mixer book, but it was SO easy and it made 2 pretty large loaves. We never seem to have enough bread around here lately. I think I will start making it once a week.
In the craft basket: A really great red shaw I am crocheting with really thick homespun yarn. It oughta be a gift, but I want it for me!
Looking forward to: Having a fire in the fireplace, snugglin' and reading to the kids, these are my favorite cooler weather pastimes. We cut 1/2 cord of wood at my parent's this weekend - we are ready.
Homemaking Tip for this week: Don't have an inside dog. They stink, they chew, and come in with muddy footprints!
Favorite Blog Post of the week (mine or other): My favorite craft blogs are all Halloweeny. I hate that, haven't been reading them.
Favorite photo from last week: none. It burned up in the fire. See post from Saturday.
Lesson learned the past few days:
As Byron says, "It's all gonna burn up in the fire anyway." My camera burnt, but it could've been worst.
On my Prayer List:
Byron's mom's surgery on Wednesday
FBC Leland Students and loved ones
Wes, Jessica and Shalom
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses: "I am carrying on a great work and cannot go down." Nehemiah 6:3. See link to great message from Sunday.
Okay, it doesn't appear to be on there, yet - but it should be in a few days. The Holy Spirit series is on there and it was really incredible, too.
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