We had a great long weekend! It was too rainy to camp. We were actually just going to camp in the backyard and see how the dog would handle a real camping trip and if we could sleep with her around! We ended up doing some VERY productive house-cleaning. We are out of that puppy mess stage a bit so we shampooed the carpets. We had 40+ people over Tuesday night from our church
lifegroup, so it was crazy!
The kids are into catching lightning bugs (or fireflies), they get on their
jammies each night and go out and catch 30 or more in just a few minutes - our backyard looks like Christmas trees about 8:00 each night. Byron and I both have fond memories of sleeping with big jars full next to our beds when we were little and waking up to the stench of dead bugs. Was it just one night, or am I remembering a week later? The kids have always heard me say there are not enough lightning bugs, so they didn't want to risk killing them and they let them all go. That is pretty cool too - to open the lid and see a shower of lights zooming out, dumping them out and watching the grass glow.

I made several signs in the Bob Coffey tradition. I am actually thinking about making some to sell - or put at a craft place. I may even do some custom special orders like Bob does. If you don't know who Bob is, you should go to
www.coffeyad.com and see; notice our
Blakely Homes sign is on the site (this is the sign we hung in front of custom homes Byron built back in the day). Bob spent the day with me once talking art and teaching me how to make signs, it made a big
impression on me. I like having verses everywhere- it is part of that Biblical command in
Deut. 6:9 to, "Write them on the
doorframes of your houses and on your gates." Actually the first sign pictured has already affected my children's behavior. The "Live Simply so others might Simply Live" sign (
I didn't take a picture) seems to be the favorite.
We are almost done with school, although there is no definite last day - but, we are approaching a busy time when cousins finish school and are eager to play. I expect the last 2 weeks of actual schoolwork might be spread out some. The kids don't mind the summer work because so many of the homeschool families we know here go all summer. We are itching for some swimming or waterpark playing. Waco has a small waterpark that is only $4, but boy will we miss the beach and Arbor's pool in NC this summer! Love to all!
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