We are having a bit of a tough week. Our dryer quit and we ordered a new washer AND dryer - but they won't be here until Tuesday. And the RAIN is killing us! It has rained all day all week - and the forecast just continues with more! Yesterday alone we had 1.2 inches of rain. We can't play in the new treehouse, the dog is inside all day and driving us nuts! We have a bunch of new vegetables to plant in our garden, but we can't in this weather. On the brightside, we are about to start harvesting the first of our vegetables - we have 3 peppers almost ready to pick. We are planting quite a garden. Watermelon, strawberries, peppers, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, snap peas, and corn. We need some cantaloupe and some green beans and lettuce and we will be done. We are hoping to make some of our great picante and can it like we did when Gracie was a baby.
Our homeschool field day is Friday and all ballgames and practices have been cancelled with the rain, so we are enjoying relaxing and lots of reading. Daniel has finished his math curriculum, but he begged to be allowed to go on to 1st grade math, which is working out pretty well since the first of the year is all easy review anyway. He's about to finish everything, so I'm not sure what to do with him while the girls continue their school. We'll end up letting him go where his interests go, which right now is dinosaurs and building.
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