a scratch off world map -Genius! You scratch off all the places you've been! $14.99. I saw a neat tutorial HERE on the web about how to make your own scratch off stickers with some silver paint. I even bought all the supplies for the project, this would be a great concept to make for a gift. You can make a once a month scratch off present, a Where in the World is Our Family and chart travels for family members, once a month scratch off date surprises, so many possibilities!
The Shalie - neat dress up concept. You probably could make something similar much cheaper, but I love the idea. There is a basic dress and you stick on the dress up parts with velcro to make a "customized look." If I had a little girl on my Christmas list young enough to be into this kind of thing I think I would attempt to create on of these.
NORMAL GIFT IDEAS I love this year - to be purchased, not made:

- The Action Bible see the video HERE - I LOVE this Bible - especially for boys.
- Great Christmas Card HERE from Hallmark - Year in Review - I love it.

- I love to give something that will bless, enrich spiritually. THIS is a great devotional book for a teenager on your list. $9.99 from CBD. It is called Burn This Book and you are literally supposed to burn it when you are done with it. It really calls you out to purify yourself from junk that is not glorifying God - write it in the book, then burn it to signify giving up those things. It addresses everything well, nothing graphic (Ally's doing it now). But it really goes deep to encourage you to be on fire for God and have an obedient heart.
- Mandie books and MOVIES - Great movies, but make them read the books first!
- Animal playsets from Tractor supply. My kids have always liked little people or figures you can move around and play with. Tractor supply has all kinds of these sets, farm, animals, and they are pretty reasonable too.
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