The Curse of the Spider King: Book 1 in the Berinfell Prophecies
By: Wayne Thomas Batson and Christopher Hopper
Ages: 12 - to adult
Put out by: Thomas Nelson
Price: $14.99
Disclosure: Thomas Nelson provided complimentary copies to Mama Buzz reviewers for the purposes of this blog tour.
Ally and I were SO excited to get this book! The Door Within Trilogy http://www.amazon.com/The-Door-Within-Trilogy/lm/R3VYTAHM15XLG4 (also by these authors) we both LOVED! We SO need more exciting, creative books for kids like this written by Christian authors! Much like the previous trilogy, The Curse of the Spider King comes in such a beautiful and fascinating volume. The action of the story alternates between two worlds, and we love the way the pages of the book change to an antique look when the alternate world is described. It just lends a neat dimension and mystery to the book. Ally and I both loved this book and will definitely be getting the next ones in the series. It does have some creepy parts - I am still haunted by the comment of a character that studies show that the average person swallows many spiders in our sleep each year. Pure fiction, I hope? Spiders were the evil minions sent to earth to spy on the good guys. The book has some real spiritual elements and a few times characters fall on Bible verses for strength. We actually used the Door Within Series in a comparison with The Chronicles of Narnia for school. The Curse of the Spider King also has that other-worldly analogy of Christian life - with a book that reveals the truth and enlightens the characters as to their true destiny. Students will love the action and adventure in these books! The Berinfell Prophecies would make a great movie - but as a book it can be hard to follow from time to time in the beginning; but hang in there - you won't be able to put it down by the end. Definitely for older kids - it would freak Gracie out with spider nightmares - but by age 11 -12 she could probably handle it.
Ally's thoughts - The Curse of the Spider King is packed full of adventure, battle, and the characters have supernatural powers which are just developing. I like how the author goes back and forth between the different characters perspectives. I also like that even though the characters have powers, they still face alot of problems normal kids have; like bullies, being made fun of, feeling shy and unsure, and others. I really like the suspense the book has, the only thing I don't like is that the 2nd book hasn't come out yet! I can't wait to find out what happens next!
There are several activities on the website http://www.heedtheprophecies.com/ and a riddle to solve.
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