I have discovered a great site for kids! It is called Kids Can Publish University http://www.fivestarpublications.com/kidscanpublish/ It is a really neat site for homeschoolers and children in grades 1-9. Kids have the opportunity to get their fiction and nonfiction stories, poems, editorials, articles, photography or cartoons published - free of charge - for all the world to read by entering pieces in Kids Can Publish University's monthly contest. Each month, Kids Can Publish will select the best pieces in a variety of categories and age divisions to publish online, giving young authors and illustrators their own byline.
I love to find opportunities for my 3 kids to compete. Being homeschooled doesn't give them as much experience with competing as public school would -and I think these things build character. Even losing has it's benefits for kids. Plus, my kids are SO competitive! They are already scrambling for some writing samples to submit. We have created some EXCELLENT writing this year by using Karen Andreola's book, Story Starters.
But, this site isn't just for homeschoolers, there are so many applications and services available for public and private schools. Schools and groups can access some really great workshops and author visits. There are teaching ideas and even help with grant writing. I see so many positives to this site - and it is free! And what a great thing for students to put on a college application! I love this site - I hope you can check it out!
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