Monday, February 16, 2009

Not Much to Tell

Not much going on this week. We had a nice Valentine's Day. We chose secret pals in our family and sent them notes, cards, and riddles all week. Gracie starts gymnastics; Ally, softball; Daniel, t-ball. We have a homeschool science fair on Thursday. The homeschool group has a spelling bee for K and up in April - that should be interesting. They don't do quite as much as our Wilmington group, but they do offer some really neat big events.
The dog is doing really well, has had very few accidents, and almost understands stay. She really likes her kennel. We have to buy her a new food bowl that she can't carry around and dump out! She wakes us up for about 1 hour every night, but other than that, she sleeps like a dog. She sleeps a lot during the day!

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