Traveling around the world and deep into the darkness of her own heart, Smith’s worst fears collided with her faith as she and her family discovered the atrocities of human trafficking. But in that broken place a self-centered life was transformed into an international effort to save thousands from modern-day slavery, persecution, disease, and genocide.
As Smith and her husband risk everything for orphans in Eastern Europe and Africa, they see God work again and again in impossible situations, especially in their own lives and marriage. They see God change them—even in their exhaustion, marital struggles, and physical limitations. They see the beauty of living out God’s dreams.
This was a really gripping book! I had a hard time putting it down, but it was not an "easy read." Kimberly Smith really paints a vivid and often graphic picture of some truly terrible things. Your heart will hurt with her, and for the people and children she seeks to protect as you read it.
I really like when an author is this vulnerable, Kimberly really shares her spiritual struggles and wavering with her call. We see her brokenness and desperation as she seeks God and his meaning for her life. She says at the end of the book, "I pray my journey helps you to discover -then dare to uncover- whatever shame, fear, or lies Satan uses to keep you bound and barred from living the life God dreams for you." This is truly a book that is meant to bring change.
I highly recommend Passport Through Darkness, it is a well written, passionate book that reflects the heart of God for his people. You can purchase it HERE from David C. Cook for $14.99
Kimberly has a great website HERE that even has a chapter of the book available for download, and some great photo albums of many of the people and places from her story. There are also links to her ministry Make Way Partners. It is an amazing ministry reaching out to some desolate areas.
You can watch a trailer for this book HERE
I was given Passport Through Darkness by B&B Media Group and David C. Cook for the purposes of review only.
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