We spent the day playing at Max and Nana's. We cut firewood and trimmed trees and brush.

The dog was just TROUBLE - so we made a little trip to town and got her a shock collar. It worked AMAZINGLY VERY well - she is quickly becoming VERY obedient!

We would like to work on clearing up the pond by Spring -and the tiny plants covering it-we've done a bit of research and we think there are a few things we can do that will clear it up. Apparently one of the most important thing you can do is increase the amount of sunlight it gets.

The dog hardly left Dad's side. She was eager to please Daddy, and all of us -anything to avoid the shock collar.

It was a bit muddy after the recent rains. But we all loved tramping around in rubber boots in the mud! Everyone did their part hauling and stacking and piling limbs.
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